101 Films International, an Amcomri Entertainment company, has secured worldwide distribution rights for independent comedy horror movie Crocodylus: Mating Season (86 minutes). Produced by Duck Duck Productions and Executive Studio Productions, the feature film is written and directed by Stanley Pomianowski (Ellen Vs the World) as his directorial debut, and executive produced by Michael McLaren and Wendy Lavezzi.
Peaceful Creek has witnessed some strange goings on; tourists are disappearing, and teens are saying they’ve seen a gator-man eating their friends. The police are being way too quiet about it and rumours start to fly about the legendary crocodylus monster. Skeptical private investigator Harry Bates is hired by beautiful Allie Glades to find her missing brother whom she believes was involved with recent incidents linked to this local legend of a human-alligator hybrid.
Filmed in the swamps of Florida near Orlando and starring Chuck Fusca (Saving Little Z), Johnny Alonso (Gotham, Coffin), Rachel Comeau (The Right Stuff), Andy Gion (Condor’s Nest) and Jim Serrano (The Right Stuff, David Makes Man), the film is a sequel to executive producer Michael McLaren’s 2017 creature feature Crocodylus and premiered in September 2023.
Eoghan Burke, VP International Sales at 101 Films International, says, “It’s very exciting for us to have Crocodylus: Mating Season to launch at the Marché next month. The first Crocodylus film was a success and we are sure that this brand new iteration, with its clever blend of laugh-out-loud comedy and ironic horror, will be as popular. Being part of Stanley Pomianowski’s directing premiere is also a big thrill for us at 101 Films International – we wish him every success.”